Christian Compositions - Conservative Christian Music

Category Archives: Devotional Thoughts


10 Questions You Should Be Asking About Women Bible Teachers

Ladies, are you careful about those you allow to teach and influence you, especially if they are saying they teach the Bible? We should be. The Bible cautions us to beware of “false teachers” and deception. If we want to … Continue reading

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Psalm 100 Mini Challenge

The Psalm 100 Mini-Challenge7 Days to a More Thankful Heart This time of year encourages us to stop and think a little more about being thankful, and that is a good thing, but we all know that thankfulness should be … Continue reading

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Featured Song – Revive Me, Lord

This song began with just a few lines that I jotted down in a sermon notebook. “Revive me, Lord. Stir my heart anew. Revive me, Lord. Make me more like You. Reveal my sin. Restore my joy. Refine me with … Continue reading

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Featured Song – “Let the Children Come”

Several years ago, after a week of Vacation Bible School, I was challenged by Bro. Howard Caldwell (Seeing Truth Ministries) to write a song about the importance of children coming to Jesus, with a specific focus on Matthew 18. This … Continue reading

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Featured Song – “The Desire of My Heart”

Throughout this week and next, I want to share a little bit about each of the songs in my new songbook. Some of these are songs I wrote many years ago, and some are much more recent. As I look … Continue reading

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Making the Most of Our Mandate – 10 Tips for Keeping At Home

Did you know that one of the “good things” in the Bible that older women are commanded to teach the younger women is to be “keepers at home”? Titus 2:4-5 says, “That they may teach the young women to be … Continue reading

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Beware of Balance

“I need to find balance.” I have said it, and maybe you have too. It is a popular idea that seems to be a rational, mature, and many would say, a spiritual pursuit. But does God really want me to … Continue reading

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It’s All About Authority – Female Preachers, False Teachers, & the Blessing of Boundaries

God holds women in high regard, particularly women of virtue, women who fear Him, women with a meek and quiet spirit. Throughout the Word of God, we read many accounts of women of courage, compassion, loyalty, and a love for … Continue reading

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Is All Current Christian Music Contemporary Christian Music, and Does It Matter?

I’m alive and write Christian music, so am I a contemporary Christian music writer? Is contemporary Christian music acceptable for the believer? The word “contemporary” means “current, present, living or existing at the present time”. In that sense of the … Continue reading

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The Scorner

A Self-Portrait There was a period in my life when I was a scorner. I do not say that proudly. I say it with great sadness and shame. When I became a scorner, it didn’t happen overnight, and most people … Continue reading

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